Thursday, March 4, 2010


I've shared elsewhere that I keep seeing hearts everywhere the last couple of months.. well.. here's tangible evidence.. look what showed up when I was playing with my camera learning how to take low light level photos tonight!  (yes.. the photo's a bit blurry.. but the heart thingy was too cool not to show you!)


I've got a case of the grumpies... seasoned with a case of the lonelies.. 


Yup.. some days go like this......

"One... Grecian.......

...what the?!?!??!"

The Music Man has forever warped me.... 

Photo from:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Alice Mania...

With all the anticipation of Tim Burton's "Alice" movie.. I suddenly remember a book I've read and re-read..."Dreamhouse" by Alison Habens.   Dark, funny.  If you're offended by perversion, drug use, and bizarre personalities, it's not for you.. but for the rest of you, I highly recommend it.

I was going to post a passage.. but.. well. I'd hate to spoil any of it for you :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Unwinding for the day.

There's something about learning that the earthquake in Chile was strong enough to affect the rotation of the Earth, and how she sits on her axis. Days are now shorter.. tangible evidence of what so many have felt.. that time seems to be speeding up...

I spent the evening getting reacquainted with my other keyboard.. my musical one.. I love where music takes me, and thanks to my headphones.. was able to loop & play over & over again a passage that took me to a meditative place. I grew up in a musical household; there was almost always somewhere in the house that someone was playing some sort of instrument or another.

And I've been lucky since my move out here.. other than the first place I landed, musicians have been in the house... making where I live feel like home.. and it feels like the music & my creating interact and feed each other.. inspiration in the air..

In talking with another person, realising that I'm good at giving, but not so good at receiving.. so my intent now is to be better at receiving.. more open to it...

I went out to look at the night sky not long ago... wishing there was a way to capture how the sky looked... the clouds made the sky appear as if it were full of mouths of the gods. I stood there, waiting a bit.. half expecting the mouths to move & say something, but they hung silent, and drifting.

Monday, March 1, 2010

ahhhh! :)

A moment of peaceful quietude, brought to to you from the in Bb collaborative music project

Oh dear!

Failblog.. I love it!